Upgrading MDF Kits
Laser-cut MDF kits can be a low-cost alternative to plastic terrain kits, enabling you to get several structures on the table quickly and easily. However, it’s fair to say there is often a compromise that comes with these MDF kits – and that is a sacrifice in the level of detail on the pieces.
One way that we like to add a bit of personality to these MDF kits is to upgrade them. This means exactly what it sounds like – we take your flat-packed MDF terrain, assemble it, and apply different textures and finishes to the surfaces to spruce them up! This might simply be adding some wooden panelling or stone bricks to enhance their appearance, but could equally be adding pipes, cable conduits and metal panels. What’s more, because we can customise the MDF in any way you like, we can adapt pretty much any kit to fit into any game style.
For more information on how our process works, and what information we need from you, please visit our “Commissions” page.